When you have bad credit and attempt to refinance all conforming lenders will decline you almost immediately. Since the conforming lenders have the good low interest rates but will not approve you you have to explore other sources for a good bad credit mortgage rate. If you are a home owner that has damaged Credit and are looking to refinance your home you may be wondering what your options are you should be aware that there are loan programs available for borrowers with low credit scores, late mortgage payments and other situations that cause bad credit so getting a loan should not be the challenge. The challenge however is using the right programs to get a a good bad credit mortgage rate.

Any good mortgage broker will tell you that FHA is your best shot for a good interest rate, however not everyone will qualify. The main consideration for FHA is the last 12 months of mortgage payments had to have been paid on time with o 30 day lates. Debt to income ratios are also required to be under 40% in most cases.

If for some reason you cannot qualify for an FHA loan you can still get a good bad credit mortgage rate from a sub prime mortgage lender. Sub prime loans will be above market rate and a good mortgage broker who specializes in bad credit borrowers should be able to explain to you the many different sub prime programs that you may qualify for and help you make the best choice. If you go the sub prime route be prepared for higher closing costs and lender fees.

Having bad credit does not have to mean settling for a loan at 14%. You can still get a good bad credit mortgage rate by talking to a good qualified Mortgage broker who offers both FHA and Sub Prime you will come out on top!

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