Usually while buying a plot of land rarely does one think of Vastu. The reason is not that they do not know about the benefits of the Shastra, but there is hardly any scope due to the fact that people equate the location and the price very often. But if the plot is for building one’s own house, it is imperative that one should think of Vastu guidelines too, as it is closely linked with one’s happiness and prosperity. The reason simply is that it is a science of direction and that is not only how you erect the house, but it has implications on the plot, the gradient and the allied factors as well. This ancient science takes into account the directional position of each and every element according to the cosmic directional alignment to usher in the positive energies in one’s surroundings. The experts advocate that if the principles are followed it would necessarily yield the best of results as it aligns the positive energies with one’s daily life. We describe below with the expert’s recommendations as to how a plot should be and what the best options are according to the Vastu guidelines.
Apart from the directional guidelines that it prescribes, there are certain other guidelines also that Vastu advocates that one should do or should not do. These principles are laid down with the understanding that there are karmic principles related to every action. Just like the energies of the persons whom you relate to on everyday basis have an impact on your life in the same way there are certain predefined set of rules that affects your future life if you choose to stay in the land purchased by you. In this context, there are certain predefined rules that one needs to follow while buying a plot of land and there are certain Do’s and Don’ts. The experts advocate that the land should not be purchased from
- Persons who became insolvent in the past.
- People who suffered from leprosy.
- People or family members of whom have become lunatics.
- And lastly people who have left the country altogether.
Apart from these, there are certain dogmas laid down by Vastu, which guides the destiny of plots and land stretches with certain directional alignment. We all know that there is an importance of direction in Vastu which has a direct implication on one’s wellbeing. What naturally follows is that your plot of land has certain optimal directional relationships, if followed will give the best of results. These directional principles are:
- If the plot faces East it is good for the scholars, priests, philosophers, preachers and the teachers and professors.
- If the plot faces North it is good for the people who are in power or are in administration or are in government posts.
- If the plot faces South it is good for people who are in business or one who works in business organizations.
- If the plot faces West it is good for the people who are into social services.
There are certain predefined rules and regulations regarding the shapes of the plots too. Normally the plots are of square shape which is considered to be very auspicious. The Vastu science says that this results in all over prosperity, wealth, health and happiness prevails as well.
Rectangular shaped land plots are also auspicious as well, which according to the guidelines bring financial growth, prosperity and happiness.
Circular and oval-shaped land plots are not considered auspicious at all as this result in ill-health and they are said to be restricting growth. So are the semicircular plots as per what the experts opine.
But on the contrary the plots which are in the shape of a trapezoid are also considered as quite auspicious also. This shape is also said to bring growth and prosperity.
Precepts about the slope of the land
Vastu Shastra has laid down guidelines for the slope of the land plots too. The elevations of the land plots should ideally be in the South and the Western direction should slope towards the East or the North. If water flows from South to North or even West to East then the inevitable result is joy and happiness. The principles propose that the position of the Moon is in the South and thus it is best if the West is elevated. The position of the Sun is in the North and correspondingly the Eastern part of the plot should be at a lower gradient than the rest. This gradient is a condition congenial for happiness and prosperity as well. The opposite condition of it can make the occupants poorer and miserable entangled in conflicts and quarrels. If these guidelines can be followed to at least some extent or to the extent possible it would certainly bring success with good and happy future generations too.